Michigan Severe Weather Preparedness Week
March 19-23, 2024
Content source: Kalamazoo County Office of Emergency Management
To learn more visit the Kal County Prepare for Severe Weather Season page.
Four Levels of Preparedness
You must be prepared
Ask yourself…
- What are your personal vulneralbilities?
- When would your basic needs be unable to be met?
- What are those needs?
- Food, water, shelter
- Prescription medicines
- Assistance devices (CPAP, etc)
- Special dietary requirements
- What if I didn’t have…?
Prepare your Family
Questions to ask…
- Do they have some kind of warning device?
- Can your family members respond on their own without your supervision?
Sheltering location
- Tornado / windstorm shelter: lowest level, or an interior room with no windows.
- Storm “kit”: Battery/crank operated weather alert radio or AM/FM radio charged cell phones. A backup battery pack is useful as well. Bottled water, energy bars. No salty or super sweet foods. Blankets, ponchos, pillows, etc. Charged flashlight
Prepare your Workplace
- Does your workplace have a weather alert radio or other means to receive weather alerts?
- How are those weather alerts disseminated to the employees on site?
- Do all employees know how to react to the weather alert?
- Does the facility have a storm shelter designated?
- Are there emergency supplies in the storm shelter area?
Prepare your Community
- Spread the preparedness message!
- Identify those vulnerable locations
- Identify special needs in the community
- Help to ensure messages are disseminated
- Be personally prepared!
- Make sure your family and your workplace are prepared!
Types of Watches and Warnings
Be aware that some weather will be impacting travel or outdoor activities, but not significant enough for a Watch or Warning.
- Winter Weather
- Lake Effect Snow
- Wind Chill
- Wind
Special Weather Statement
A special weather statement is a weather event that is impactful for a local area but not the criteria for a Warning.
A watch is when conditions are or will become favorable for severe weather.
- Stay alert for further updates and possible statements or warnings.
- Watches are typically issued for a broad area, usually multiple counties or even multiple states.
- Watches can be for any kind of weather event.
A weather warning is announced when severe weather is imminent or happening now.
- Seek a safe area of refuge or shelter!
- Warnings do not need to be preceded by a Watch
- Conditions for issuing a warning are either by visual observation or by radar.
- May be issued for the entire county or just a portion of the county depending on the track of the storm.
- There will be a “Box” defined by the National Weather Service (NWS).
The “Box” Examples

Weather Alert Notifications
The weather alert notifications have multiple meanings! Here are ways you can be alerted:
- Internet
- Local TV and radio
- Outdoor sirens
- Wireless emergency alerts (WEA) and weather apps
- Note: Cell phone alerts that will be activated by cell service providers to those in the “box”. Tornado and strong wind warnings ONLY.
- NOAA Weather radio
- Note: Small radio receivers that stay silent until a pre-programmed event (set up by the user) is received by a signal sent by the NWS. An entire county will be alerted by the NWS signal.
- From your family friends, and coworkers
Be Prepared for Nighttime Tornadoes
- NOAA weather radio: test regularly and make sure it’s tuned to your local station
- Safe Place: Have a safe place prepared in you know storms are coming
- Flashlight & Shoes: keep flashlight and sturdy shoes handy
- Cell phone: turned on, charged, and wireless emergency alerts enabled.
Additional Information
More Resources
Statewide tornado drill Wednesday March 20, 2024 1 p.m.
Check out more MIReady Events!
Kal County Office of Emergency Management
Twitter/X @kzoo_oem